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Synopsys已经启动了基于其芯片设计系统可扩展弧体系结构的AI IP加速器核心。

设计软件ARC NPX6和NPX6FS NPU IP解决了对AI应用的超低功耗的实时计算需求。Designware Arc Metaware MX Development Toolkit提供了一个具有自动神经网络算法分区的综合编译环境,以最大限度地利用资源利用率。

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先进的驾驶员辅助系统(ADA),监控,数字电视和摄像机和其他实现复杂神经网络模型的新兴AI应用程序正在对计算和内存资源进行更大的要求,通常用于安全关键函数。要解决应用程序要求,ARC NPX6 NPU IP:

  • Scales from 4K to 96K MACs
  • Delivers, in a single instance, up to 250 tera operations per second (TOPS) at 1.3 GHz on 5nm processes in worst-case conditions, or up to 440 TOPS by using new sparsity features, which can increase the performance and decrease energy demands of executing a neural network
  • Integrates hardware and software connectivity features that enable implementation of multiple NPU instances to achieve up to 3,500 TOPS of performance on a single SoC
  • 提供超过50倍的ARC EV7X处理器IP的最大配置性能
  • 在神经处理硬件内提供可选的16位浮点,最大化层性能,并从GPU中简化了用于AI原型的GPU的转换为大量功率和区域优化的SOC

设计软弧NPX6FS NPU IP符合严格的随机硬件故障检测和系统功能安全开发流程要求,以实现ISO 26262 ASIL D遵从性。包括综合安全文档的处理器,具有ISO 26262合规性的专用安全机制,并解决了下一代区域架构的混合关键性和虚拟化要求。

ARC Metaware MX Development Toolkit包括编译器和调试器,神经网络软件开发套件(SDK),虚拟平台SDK,运行时和库以及高级仿真模型。Metaware MX提供单个工具链以加速应用程序开发,并在MAC资源上自动分区算法以进行高效处理。对于安全关键的汽车应用,Fearaware MX开发工具包提供安全手册和安全指南,帮助开发人员满足ISO 26262要求,并为ISO 26262合规性测试做好准备。

“Higher resolution images, more cameras in systems, and more complex algorithms are driving AI processing requirements to high TOPS performance,” says John Koeter, Sr. VP, marketing and strategy in the Synopsys Solutions Group. “With the new DesignWare ARC NPX6 and NPX6FS NPU IP, as well as MetaWare MX Development Toolkits, designers can take advantage of the latest neural network models, meet growing performance demands and accelerate time-to-market for their next intelligent SoCs.”


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