BroadForward and 1NCE cooperate on 5G and beyond

商业新闻 |
Jean-Pierre Jooosting


BroadForward, a provider of intelligent signaling software, has successfully deployed multiple core network routing functions at 1NCE, the first provider of connectivity and software for IoT at a global flat rate. BroadForward is enabling 1NCE to deliver cost-effective and flexible routing services for their worldwide cellular IoT network, while making its network ready for future demands of 5G and beyond.

根据分析师GSMA智能,全球物联网(物联网)市场将达到9000亿美元的收入达到2025年.1NCE是一个超过7,000名客户和1000万个管理联系的市场领导者。他们是市场中的破坏者,不仅可以通过2G,3G,4G / LTE,NB-IOT和LTE-M在全球范围内提供直接访问其网络和漫游合作伙伴,还通过提供高竞争力的统一率IOT数据计划。

在Broadforward的融合信令产品上运行的路由功能,支持所有SS7,直径和HTTP / 2 IOT流量的信令方案的在线管理。该软件支持将这些网络功能与其他广泛的网络产品相结合,例如SS7和直径防火墙以及5G SCP和SEPP。Broadforward已经看到其产品需求的重大增加。运营商引用了替代其遗留设备的各种原因,例如产品宣布的生命结束(EOL),网络合理化和降低成本,以及各国政府和监管机构执行的高风险供应商(HRV)计划。

首席技术官尤尼斯Allaki 1出版社,commented “Although 5G is growing fast, most of our cellular IoT business is still on 3G and 4G. However, BroadForward helps us to meet future demands by allowing us to easily shift the traffic where it is needed. The cooperation is giving us more flexibility and enables us to rationalize and modernize at the same time – providing us with a converged solution that is future proof towards 5G and beyond.”

Broadforward CEO,Taco Schoute补充说:“1NCE运行完全虚拟化的核心网络,并以支持所有支持的网络技术迅速支持客户的方式自动运行。鉴于特定技术和用例设计的遗产产品的生命周期是自然有限的,而广泛的融合信号溶液的开发是开放式和连续的。旁边支持2G,3G和4G集装箱化网络功能,我们的解决方案已经支持5G,并将继续发展以满足后续的技术要求。这种方法还赢得了2021年GSMA奖,以获得最佳移动和网络软件突破。“

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