Congatec and Etteplan partner on rugged smart mobility

Congatec and Etteplan partner on rugged smart mobility

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Diethard Fent, Manager Sales Partner EMEA congatec, and Jaakko Ala-Paavola, Director Digital Solutions, ETTEPLAN are looking forward to joint smart mobility projects (from left).
Jean-Pierre Joosting




“我们希望为这个市场提供最佳的课堂解决方案,以实现出色的用户体验。在与世界领先模型的世界领先供应商合作的情况下,这是一项战略杠杆,使我们能够以Congatec强大的工程团队的逆风来更快地向前推进,” Etteplan的Digital Solutions Jaakko Ala-Paavola说。

“通过我们的战略伙伴关系Etteplan we will be able to add more value for our customers. In addition to offering Computer-on-Modules designed to meet the harshest rugged mobility requirements, now together with Etteplan, we will also develop customer specific application ready system platforms and cloud connectivity solutions. And our strong sales presence all over the world will give a good platform for future success,” says Diethard Fent, Sales Partner Manager at congatec.

First joint project

ETTEPLAN坚固的物流车辆和叉车评估平台是Congatec和Etteplan合作的第一个项目。移动平台通过将启用RTK的GNSS单元与加速度计,陀螺仪和磁力计集成到一个由Congatec的计算机上模块提供动力的坚固工业设备,从而提供了精确的定位解决方案。该设备能够以±10 cm的精度提供定位。Congatec计算机模块提供了用于边缘计算的多功能选项以及灵活的工业网络功能。所有这些使OEM可以轻松地使用Etteplan崎and的评估平台来开发和生产他们的想法,服务和产品。

Designed for harshest environments and automotive voltage ranges up to 36 V, the Intel Atom processor based platform comes with a wide operating temperature range of -40 to 85°C and IP65/67 protection. For connectivity towards the vehicle communication networks, it offers extension options for real-time Ethernet (TSN), RS232, RS485 and CAN. Further edge connectivity options include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth as well as LTE/5G. Ambient pressure, humidity and temperature sensors round off the feature set. The platform is already available as prototype and can be ordered engineering purposes immediately. Customization is possible on a project basis for larger quantities. The series production of the standard system platform is scheduled for the second half of 2022.

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