Continental powers up supercomputer for AI training

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汽车供应商大陆supercomputer into operation for AI training. The machine is based on Nvidia InfiniBand-connected DGX systems.阅读更多
By Nick Flaherty


Continental的超级计算机由50多个NVIDIA DGX系统构建,与NVIDIA Mellanox Infiniband网络相连。它根据公开可用列表进行排名Top500超级计算机作为汽车行业的顶级系统。已经选择了一种混合方法,以便能够在需要时通过云解决方案扩展容量和存储。



NVIDIA SUPERCUPUTER是一台具有专门针对AI应用程序的体系结构的计算机,可帮助用户大幅度缩短开发时间。大陆谈论小时而不是几周。“The system reduces the time to train neural networks, as it allows for at least 14 times more experiments to be run at the same time,” explains Christian Schumacher, head of Program Management Systems in Continental’s Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) business unit.


This can have several advantages for the development process: Firstly, over the long run, it might make recording, storing and mining the data generated by the physical fleet unnecessary, as necessary training scenarios can be created instantly on the system itself. Secondly, it increases speed, as virtual vehicles can travel the same number of test kilometers in a few hours that would take a real car several weeks. Thirdly, the synthetic generation of data makes it possible for systems to process and react to changing and unpredictable situations. Ultimately, this will allow vehicles to navigate safely through changing and extreme weather conditions or make reliable forecasts of pedestrian movements – thus paving the way to higher levels of automation.

扩展能力是NVIDIA DGX概念背后的主要驱动力之一。通过技术,机器可以比通过任何人类控制的方法更快,更好,更全面地学习,并且在每个进化步骤中,潜在的性能成倍增长。

The supercomputer is located in a datacenter in Frankfurt, which has been chosen for its proximity to cloud providers and, more importantly, its AI-ready environment, fulfilling specific requirements regarding cooling systems, connectivity and power supply. Certified green energy is being used to power the computer, with GPU clusters being much more energy efficient than CPU clusters by design.


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