NXP simplifies IoT device authentication

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NXP EdgeLock® A5000 secure authenticator provides the necessary authentication to help establish trust within IoT ecosystems and networks.阅读更多
Jean-Pierre Joosting


NXP®半导体已在其Edgelock Secure Authenticator家族中宣布了一种新设备,该家族具有灵活性,适应性和多功能性,以帮助确保各种物联网生态系统中的多个标准安全。Edgelock A5000是用于身份验证应用程序的可扩展解决方案,在整个产品生命周期中的安全性至关重要,包括许多物联网用例,以及智能城市基础设施和互联的工业设备。

在物联网认证方面扮演着重要的角色ecosystems, verifying device identities during secure communication, assessing whether data comes from trustworthy sources, checking authenticity of product sub-components to ensure overall systems integrity, product safety and performances, or verifying the authenticity of a product or component. The EdgeLock A5000 secure authenticator is optimized for authentication implementations throughout the device lifecycle, helping to reduce R&D efforts, simplify manufacturing and supply chain logistics and comply with high-level security and ecosystem standards.

“身份验证是在物联网生态系统内建立安全设备的信任至关重要的,但与此同时,实施这是一项艰巨的努力,” NXP IoT安全和智能产品身份验证高级总监Christian Lackner说。“ Edgelock A5000使安全设备的开发变得容易且可扩展,从而使开发人员可以专注于区分其物联网解决方案。”

Edgelock Secure Authenticator Familes旨在满足对身份验证应用程序安全性的增加,以补充Edgelock Secure Element系列,该家族解决了需要多租户安全性,可更新性和加密性敏捷性的更复杂的生态系统。新的Edgelock A5000安全身份验证器提供了一个高度安全,常见的标准EAL6+ AVA_VAN.5(直至OS)认证的解决方案,以实现身份验证机制。Edgelock A5000旨在用任何类型的微控制器,微处理器或连接平台(例如Wi-Fi Soc)作为交钥匙身份验证插件工作。

The EdgeLock A5000 supports a wide temperature range (-40 to +105 °C), enabling it to be used in IoT applications such as industrial equipment, smart city infrastructure components or appliances. EdgeLock A5000 is accompanied by dedicated application guidelines and software examples for individual use cases, such as device authentication, cloud onboarding, inclusion in the Matter smart home ecosystem, smart metering, electric vehicle charging, Qi 1.3 wireless charging authentication, gaming and others. This allows developers to focus on the specific application implementation they need, while also providing them with a secure solution that can be easily scaled for different products within their ecosystem.

此外,开发人员无需建立复杂且昂贵的关键管理基础架构,以通过Edgelock 2Go利用NXP安全基础架构和服务来处理设备的凭据。这包括用于创建自定义IC的EDGELOCK 2GO自定义,以支持复杂的配置或符合QI 1.3和Matter Standards和Edgelock 2Go在整个设备生命周期内管理凭据和多个服务,例如凭据和多个服务,例如凭据旋转。


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