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Microchip Flash memory extends options for designing space systems using radiation-tolerant COTS-based devices.
By Jean-Pierre Joosting


空间飞行资格系统的设计师非常需要减少系统的开发时间,成本和风险。Microchip技术提出了从商业货架(COTS)设备开始的概念,然后用太空资格的,耐辐射(RT)等效零件代替它们。Microchip今天宣布,它已将其基于COTS的RTSuperFlash®选项扩展到这些应用程序,并将其无与伦比的50千万(KRAD)总电离剂量(TID)耐受性延长到64mbit的序列Quad I/O用于苛刻的航空航天和防御系统环境中的内存设备。

“The SST26LF064RT SuperFlash device brings the best TID performance on the market to a 64-Mbit serial quad I/O memory solution that works alongside any SRAM-based FPGA in diverse space applications,” said Bob Vampola, associate vice president of Aerospace and Defense at Microchip. “It is ideal for systems used in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space constellations and other harsh radiation environments where companion flash memory is required for storing the critical software code or bitstream that drives the complete system.”

Microchip SuperFlash NOR flash memory products use a proprietary split-gate cell architecture to improve performance, data retention and reliability as compared to conventional stacked gate flash. They eliminate the complexity of power management switching to achieve their industry high TID even while the flash is still biased and operating in systems such as satellite on-board computers and different types of controllers for motors, sensors, solar panels and power distribution.

Proven in industrial applications, RT SuperFlash technology has been offered as a parallel-interface with its 64-Mbit SST38LF6401RT device that is now space-qualified and available in-flight models. With the SST26LF064RT flash memory, designers now also have a serial quad I/O 64Mbit memory option.

Microchip selects relevant devices from its proven automotive- or industrial-qualified product family and adds silicon process improvements that make them more immune to single-event latch-up in the heavy ion environments of space. The radiation performance of these slightly modified devices is fully characterized and supported by a dedicated radiation report for each functional block. Designers begin system implementation with easy-to-source COTS devices before replacing them at the PCB stage with these pinout-compatible space-qualified equivalents.

申请说明说明了如何使用Microchip的SST26LF064RT RT闪存存储器参考评估板和基于空格资格的SRAM FPGA使用SST26LF064RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT。像Microchip的平行超级弹簧内存一样,串行超级弹簧选项也可以用作配置存储器,带有FPGA和其他微芯片产品,例如ARM®Cortex®-M7-基于SAMRH707辐射硬化的微控制器(MCU)。它也可以与RTPolarfire®FPGA一起使用,以支持机上系统重新配置。

Ceramic samples of the RT SST26LF064RT SuperFlash memory product are available for sale. Additionally, the SST38LF6401RT (parallel) ceramic and plastic qualified flight models are available for sale. The devices are complemented by the RT FPGA (RTG4 and RT Polarfire), Rad Hard microprocessor SAMRH71 and Rad Hard microcontroller SAMRH707.


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