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Intel的RISC-V处理器,Apple的57bn M1 Max Pro和Raspberry PI Prece Comploce是10月份Eenews欧洲最多的读数阅读更多


最近几个月的英特尔当然是电子行业的复苏力量,欧洲的工厂计划,但它逐步到了替代指令集架构这是10月份Enews Europe的领先文章。


该强壮的设计团队最终成为p.a的核心。半导体,2008年由Apple购买的直接遗产到最新的苹果芯片,M1 MAX和M1 MAX PRO. With 57bn transistors in the largest version on TSMC’s 5nm process technology, Apple has stepped up the design challenge of leading edge chips.

回到欧洲,覆盆子PI一直在驾驭芯片短缺的挑战。创始人,黑檀普通,道歉for putting prices back up on the latest board and for allocation, and is encouraging IoT designers who were also interested in the latestprogrammable IO module, to move from the 40nm Pi3 family to the latest 28nm Pi4 boards.

It’s not just chip in short supply. Mobile phone operator Vodafone is spinning out its technical operations into an IoT giant that is望去双倍通过招聘欧洲7000名工程师的规模。IOT的越来越重要也被兴趣表现出来ST的塞拉无线交易and by ARM’s launch of Project Centauri and一个物联网开发工具链based around virtual models running on the Amazon cloud.

Intel is also making further in-roads in Europe, providing its first discrete graphics processor, codenamed Ponte Vecchio, to超级计算机开发人员. The integration with the ARM-based Rhea supercomputer chip from SiPearl will also include Intel’s oneAPI, which leaves key software being developed outside the European region,

挑战ARM通过NVIDIA的收购continue. After an initial assessment, the European Commission has now launched an extended investigation into the deal. That investigation will report back by March.

与此同时,欧洲作为Quantum Technologies领先供应商的地位是由工作突出的Toshiba的剑桥实验室利用基于INT定量的光子芯片的第一系统进行量子密钥分布。



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