2-in-1 tunable single emitter white LED in a 3030 package

2019年9月26日//By Julien Happich
white LED
Nichia has released what it claims to be the industry’s first 2-in-1 tunable white LED in a mid-power 3030 package with a single light emitting surface (LES).

Targeting most lighting applications, the technology provides luminaire manufacturers with a host of benefits ranging from new technology and design features to improved factory operations and inventory positions.

Nichia’s proprietary 2-in-1 LED technology also allows for higher colour quality, in some cases up to about 90 CRI, in the popular CCT regions as standard; achieved with a negligible loss of performance vs. standard CRI LEDs. This technology allows customers and the industry to focus on the benefits of the light instead of just energy savings, which already far surpass that of traditional technologies.

Nichia -www.nichia.co.jp

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