5G-ready chip boost for high data rate cellular IoT

January 11, 2021//By Rich Pell
LTE Cat 1 chip platform for high data rate IoT devices
法国芯片开发人员序列通信正在对其第二代LTE CAT 1芯片平台进行采样,以用于高数据速率蜂窝物联网应用

Sequans Communications is sampling its Calliope 2 chip platform for cellular IoT applications that require VoLTE and a data rate higher than 100 kilobits per second that cannot be supported by LTE-M or NB-IoT technologies.

Typical applications include wearables and hearables with music streaming and voice support, and smart city/smart home IoT devices such as security cameras, alarm panels, and utility meters, needing high throughput, and data aggregators where speed of up to several megabits per second may be required.

"Calliope 2 is a truly universal and highly effective IoT solution and we are excited about the many new IoT applications that are being built because of it," said Georges Karam, Sequans CEO. "Calliope 2 complements our Monarch 2 LTE-M/NB-IoT product family and makes Sequans a one-stop shop for virtually all IoT applications - ranging from simple low-speed sensor devices to higher speed security cameras, and from low-power, battery-operated consumer devices to sophisticated, higher speed industrial devices."

Calliope 2 reduces the cost and power consumption barriers that have thus far inhibited widespread deployment of Cat 1 for cellular IoT. This includes higher integration that has lowered the Cat 1 module cost closer to the level of LTE-M module cost, and significantly improved power consumption, in both active and low-power modes, lowering the power profile close to the LTE-M power profile, and thereby significantly extending the battery life of Cat 1 IoT devices.

除了成本和功率提高外,Calliope 2还提供了高级功能,例如IEUICC的EAL5+安全飞地,以及集成的VoLTE,并支持紧急语音通话和流音频。该平台为5G准备,符合3GPP版本15大型物联网标准。

Its user application software and interfaces are compatible with the company's Monarch 2 LTE-M/NB-IoT platform, allowing easy migration among Cat 1, LTE-M, and NB-IoT massive IoT technologies. Cat 1 networks are today available worldwide, enabling Calliope 2 to support any IoT application or device, even in

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