
November 22, 2011//由Christoph Hammerschmidt
The romantic picture of a farmer with a straw in his mouth on a chugging tractor in the countryside, will over time become a thing of the past. Agriculture will become automated; the tractors on the fields will plough, harrow and seed with no driver required. A European research project currently examines which combination of sensors suits best the requirements.

“Autonomous vehicles will gain ground in agriculture and increase efficiency and productivity. To make autonomous vehicles operate safely, it must be provided with the ability to perceive and interpret the elements of danger in the concerned environment”, assesses Anders Petersen, robot consultant of the Danish Technological Institute's Centre for Robot Technology.


The project focuses on developing sensors and methods for data processing, allowing vehicles to become aware of their surroundings by detecting obstacles such as differences in the landscape, physical installations on the field and humans and animals that are present in the environment.


"In the project we examine which sensors and data processing techniques are best suited to detect different kinds of obstacles such as different soil characteristics, objects such as fences, humans and animals", explains Rainer Worst, project supervisor at Fraunhofer IAIS The institute contributes its LADAR 3DLS sensor to the project. The laser-based sensor scans the surroundings of the vehicle as generates a three-dimensional scatter diagram.

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