Altium partners with Octopart for supply chain information

March 25, 2014//By Julien Happich
Altium partners with Octopart for supply chain information
PCB EDA vendor Altium struke a partnership with Octopart, a provider of an electronic parts search engine that allows engineers to find and compare parts across different manufacturers and distributors.
Octopart aggregates and normalizes component data from a growing number of sources providing a complete and easy-to-use component search for designers covering component search, selection and supply chain needs.

"We're excited to find in Altium a partner that shares our vision of opening up electronic part data to the world," said Sam Wurzel, CEO of Octopart. "Finding parts is half the battle in the design process. This is a natural fit and we can't wait to empower design engineers building the next generation of hardware."

As a first result of the joint activities with Octopart, every Altium Designer user on a current license will get access to a brand new Altium Designer extension, providing immediate and superfast access to electronic components from 200+ distributors.

This will enable every Altium Designer user to search the extensive catalog of component suppliers and distributors from Octopart from inside Altium Designer’s schematic editor, early in the design development process.

Visit Altium

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