Consortium to create demand for quantum computing applications

June 10, 2021//By Christoph Hammerschmidt
Consortium to create demand for quantum computing applications
In order to transfer quantum computing from a research topic to industrial practice, ten corporations in Germany have launched the Quantum Technology and Application Consortium (Qutac). Founding members are BASF, BMW, the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, Bosch, Infineon, the materials specialist Merck, the insurance provider Munich Re, SAP, Siemens and Volkswagen.

具体来说,Qutac是为我ndustry-relevant applications for the technology, chemical and pharmaceutical, insurance and automotive industries to market maturity. This is intended to lay the foundation for the successful industrialisation of quantum computing in Germany and Europe. "Quantum computing is one of the most promising technologies of the future and can revolutionise fields of application from materials research to automated driving," said Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG. "Germany and Europe need a strong quantum computing ecosystem to be at the cutting edge of technology and remain globally competitive. With Qutac, we are laying the foundation for a successful ecosystem that will allow us to optimally exploit the great potential of quantum computing technology."

The participating companies consider an economically strong and resilient quantum computing ecosystem in Germany and Europe to be crucial for promoting successful industrialisation and digital sovereignty in this field. Qutac aims to drive such a quantum computing ecosystem.

According to insider sources, the initiative to found the consortium came from Chancellor Angela Merkel, who holds a doctorate in physics . She had approached the head of the chip manufacturer Infineon, Reinhard Ploss, who finally brought the group together. The group is not supposed to receive state funding because it does not build quantum computers itself.

Qutac sees itself as a platform for action. The consortium promotes applications of quantum computing for the economic use of this technology, which create added value in the member companies. The membership includes a broad cross-section of the German economy - thus the applications that are identified, developed and tested within the consortium point the way for entire industries. Through its orientation, Qutac occupies an important position in the existing landscape of quantum technology-related institutions.

The small circle of currently only ten members allows for a pragmatic exchange and rapid decision-making in order to

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