Edge software tackles EV charger fragmentation

2021年4月30日//By Nick Flaherty
Edge software tackles EV charger fragmentation
Siemens Smart Infrastructure is supplying edge software that will bring together hundreds of different electric vehicle charging stations across Germany.

Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-WürttempergMBH(PBW)将使用电子卡车运营中心(E-CAR OC)软件来管理公共停车场的充电基础设施,并以灵活且未来的方式进行停车场,无论收费技术如何供应商。

E-Car OC中央数据平台也在used for research into load management, such as the predictive charging project eLISA-BW (smart control and adaptation of e-charging infrastructure in Baden-Württemberg) run by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the Baden-Württemberg Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW).


The software allows the administration of power and billing data from 200 different charging stations of different manufacturers for convenient and flexible in PBW parking lots, including hospitals or universities. This will also allow drivers to use a variety of payment systems via Giro-e, using an EC card.

到目前为止,不同的提供商使用不同的支付系统的事实一直是在公共场所收费的主要障碍。E-CAR OC后端系统允许PBW向其客户提供不同的支付系统(例如GIRO-E),并漫游到该地区以外的其他充电点。将来,与后端关联的智能手机应用程序可能会向客户展示当前可用的充电站以及其个人充电状态。


Around 200,000 electric cars were newly registered in Germany in 2020 alone says the German automobile association ADAC. If plug-in hybrids are also included, the figure was as high as 400,000. In Germany, more than half of all charging is done at home but charging in public spaces, for example at work or while shopping, is increasing sharply.

Siemens智能基础设施的CEO Digital Grid说:“该软件允许我们的客户PBW使用一个软件平台管理其停车场的不同充电基础架构和计费系统。”“因此,我们正在帮助使电动汽车所有者更容易,更方便地在公共场所中充电。”

该软件使PBW轻松地集成了新的和现有的充电器,无论制造商如何。例如,充电基础设施电荷(ENBW的一部分)与E-CAR OC连接为易于扩展的充电解决方案,尤其是用于电气化较大的停车区。ENBW目前正在建造欧洲最大的充电公园。


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