Element14和Elektor Academy启动每月网络研讨会

2011年10月6日//朱利安·哈普奇(Julien Happich)
Element14和Elektor Academy启动每月网络研讨会
element14 and Elektor magazine have launched a series of monthly online webcasts as part of their bespoke training services offered to the electronic design engineering community. The first session will be a free webcast entitled 'Platino, an ultra-versatile platform for AVR microcontroller circuits' on Oct 13, 2011, from 16:00 CET.

在长达一个小时的网络广播中,法国版Elektor的总编辑Clemens Valens将讨论几个微控制器应用程序如何共享一个共同的体系结构:液晶,一些按钮和一些界面巡回赛,以与现实世界和现实世界和现实世界交谈。Platino如何根据ATMEL的流行AVR微控制器为此类系统提供灵活的整孔设计。

The webcast will comprise of a 30-minute online presentation followed by a 30-minute Q&A session. The session will also be archived after the event and can be accessed by visitinghttps://www.element-14.com/community/groups/technology-training-webinars。该网络广播还将讨论Platino如何支持所有28和40 PIN AVR设备,几种类型的LCD,并具有灵活的PushButton和/或旋转编码器配置。完全支持Arduino型盾牌或自定义板的形式的附加卡。Platino与Arduino IDE以及许多其他流行的开发系统兼容。


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