€20m project to build room temperature diamond quantum processor

Technology News |
在德国建造钻石量子处理器的2000万欧元的de-brill项目包括弗劳恩霍夫应用固态物理IAF,University Ulm和Quantum BrillianceRead More
尼克·弗莱厄蒂(Nick Flaherty)


Researchers in Germany are working on a project to develop new techniques for the fabrication and control of a diamond-based quantum processor that operates at room temperature.

German-Australian startup Quantum Brilliance is working with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF and the University of Ulm in the €19.9 million ($22.5m) Deutsche Brilliance (DE-Brill) project on next generation diamond quantum processors.


As part of the collaboration, Fraunhofer IAF and Quantum Brilliance are jointly developing precision manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of scalable arrays of diamond qubits. In addition, Fraunhofer IAF will work on growth processes for diamond substrates of the highest purity and quality. A team at the Institute of Quantum Optics at the University of Ulm is developing scalable readout and control techniques for diamond-based qubits, allowing them to be precisely controlled.

The research project will play an important role in securing Germany as a key business centre for quantum computing as well as give Quantum Brilliance a strong, sustainable position in the industry’s emerging global market, says Dr Mark Mattingley-Scott, European head of Quantum Brilliance.


Quantum Brilliance is among the pioneers in using synthetically created diamonds in quantum computing. Targeted NV centres in diamond where a nitrogen atom takes the place of a carbon atom in the crystal lattice are used in this process to generate qubits, the elementary computational units of a quantum computer.

Quantum accelerators based on synthetic diamonds can be produced in small form factors and operate at room temperature, enabling their use in a variety of real-world environments. A 19-inch server rack module of its diamond-based quantum accelerator is currently available from Quantum Brilliance. Continuing miniaturization with a corresponding increase in the number of qubits is planned over the next several years.


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