Fire hits ASML Berlin factory

January 05, 2022//By Nick Flaherty
ASML Berlin
A fire has hit the Berlin factory of Dutch lithography equipment maker ASML


ASML Berlin manufactures optical components for ASML’s lithography systems, including wafer tables and clamps, reticle chucks and mirror blocks. The factory came from the acquisition of Berliner Glas in 2020.

In 2019 the company saw a hit to production after a fire at contract manufacturing supplier Prodrive BV based in Eindhoven Science Park. In March 2021, a fire at a Renesas Electronics fab in Japan hit production and contributed to the current chip shortage in the automotive industry.

In November last year, German photonics group Jenoptik bought the non-lithography elements of Berliner Glas GmbH from ASML for €300m. The deal included Berliner Glas Medical, a leading supplier of high-precision, custom optical components for the medical technology sector based in Berlin, as well as SwissOptic, a specialist in the development and manufacturing of optical components and assemblies, primarily for the medical technology, semiconductor, and metrology industries headquartered in Heerbrugg/Switzerland with a subsidiary in China.

“我们很高兴达成了这项协议,Jenoptik将收购Berliner Glas(ASML的一部分)的医疗应用和瑞士管道业务,”柏林Glas Group的首席执行官Andreas Nitze说。“我们坚信,合并后的企业处于良好的状态,可以意识到我们对业务的潜力,并将为其员工提供最佳环境。”

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ASML Berlin

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