Graphene Hall sensor for supercooled quantum computing

May 14, 2021//By Peter Clarke
Graphene Hall Effect sensor works at magnetic, temperature extremes
Oxford Instruments has shown a Paragraf's graphene Hall Effect sensor working at milliKelvin temperatures and magnetic fields of up to 14T, opening up use in quantum computing.

Oxford is using a modified version of Paragraf's GHS09CC sensor to make measurements beyond the scope of any other sensing solution said the company. The temperature was taken down to 100mK using the recently released Proteox dilution refrigerator.

Normally at such low temperatures field measurements would become extremely non-linear and inaccurate due to quantum effects ultimately saturate the sensor.

"There is no other cryogenic temperature Hall Effect sensor that is rated to these operational parameters, showing that we can really differentiate ourselves here," said Ellie Galanis, who is responsible for the GHS Series of graphene Hall Effect sensors at Paragraf.

In addition, the Paragraf sensor generates six orders of magnitude less heat than other sensors that freeze out. This means the Paragraf sensor dissipatesnanowatts rather than milliwatts and can help maintain a milliKelvin environment.

The Proteox dilution refrigerator is able to support precisely controlled temperatures over he range from 10mK to 30K, even when subjected to very high magnetic fields. This means the platform is able to address a range of quantum hardware requirements.

Proteox is being used for the UK's lead quantum computing project with Rigetti at Harwell. This aims to extend Rigetti's current 32 qubit system, Aspen-9, early next year. This will be

larger than anything Rigetti currently has in the US, says Anna Stockklauser, technical lead for quantum engineering. at Rigetti.

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