IAR Systems and Secure Thingz add security support for STM32 MCUs

November 17, 2021//By Nick Flaherty
IAR Systems and Secure Thingz add security support for STM32 MCUs
The Compliance Suite for STM32 in IAR's embedded toolchain includes security development tools and practical guidance for IoT applications

IAR Systems and its subsidiary Secure Thingz have added security support for the STM32 microcontrollers from STMicroelectronics.

The Compliance Suite in IAR’s IAR Embedded Workbench provides developers and organizations with the security development tools, practical guidance and knowledge to build applications that are compliant with security legislation, such as the US Cyber Security Improvement Act (NISTIR 8259), the European Consumer IoT Security Standard EN 303 645 (ETSI), UK & Australian 13 Best Practices, and the Indian Code of Practice for Securing Consumer Internet of Things (TEC31318:2021) regulations.

The new legislation for IoT security and privacy means assurance according to these regulations is a challenge for all organizations and developers working with embedded applications. The Compliance Suite for STM32 delivers a set of security development tools that are all integrated into the IAR development toolchain.

C-Trust and the Preconfigured Security Contexts ensure that all necessary security and encryption are automatically included in an application so that developers remain in control of system operation today and into the future. Compliance Suite also includes a Secure Boot Manager, which secures the overall boot process to protect the device. In addition, the included practical guidance is a package of courses led by Secure Thingz’ in-house security experts.

“ST’s Secure Firmware Install technology is a critical technology in the protection of Intellectual Property, meeting the challenges of security regulation, and providing a solution to upcoming legislation globally,” said Ricardo de Sa Earp, Group Vice President and General Manager of the Microcontrollers Division STMicroelectronics. “We welcome the support of STM32 MCUs in the Compliance Suite from IAR Systems and Secure Thingz, and the assistance it will give our customers in achieving necessary compliancy.”

IAR Systems and Secure Thingz are ST Authorized Partners.


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