IBM provides Germany with quantum computer

September 11, 2019//By Peter Clarke
IBM provides Germany with quantum computer
IBM and Germany's Fraunhofer Institute have struck a cooperation deal in which IBM will place one of its Q System One quantum computers in Germany to become a hub for quantum computing research.

At the same time the German government will invest €650 million (about $717 million) over the next two years to support the transition of quantum computing to commercial applications.

The IBM Q System One is a 20-qubit quantum computer that will be owned by IBM and located at one of its facilities in Germany. Access to the machine will be provided to European researchers will be provided through the cloud by Fraunhofer. The expectation is to develop a concentration of quantum skills in Germany covering academia, research, IT professionals and industry users.

As part of the IBM Q Network, organizations using the quantum computer are able to receive support, training, and enablement from IBM.

”650的联邦基金illion euros will be invested in research and the development of quantum technology over the period until 2022," said Anja Karliczek, German Federal Minister of Education and Research, in a statement issued by IBM. "It is vital that we now begin developing various fields of application for quantum computing, not least for small and medium-sized companies, which play a significant role in the German economy," she added.

Professor Reimund Neugebauer, president of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, said: "The installation of an IBM Q System in Europe is unprecedented and opens up the development of quantum computational strategies at the Fraunhofer-Centre under full data sovereignty according to European law."

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