Incubator teams with Heriot-Watt for Scottish chip startups

November 19, 2021//By Peter Clarke
Incubator teams with Heriot-Watt for Scottish chip startups
Incubator network is working with Edinburgh-based Heriot-Watt University to stimulate the formation of semiconductor-based startups in Scotland.

SiliconCatalyst claims to be the world's only incubator focused on semiconductor hardware startups and it offers access to partners who deliver services and consultancy. This includes 50 in-kind partners and over 200 expert executives.

“Semiconductor start-up opportunities have changed dramatically over the last few years. We have entered a period of semiconductor industry hyper-scale, having just experienced annual industry growth of 30%. Never has so much demand been created by so few new innovations," said Sean Redmond, Managing Partner SiliconCatalyst.UK. "Scotland has a rich tradition of successful global semiconductor success. The silicon glen is very much alive and bubbling with new semiconductor ideas and inventions to create the next wave of fabulous disruptive semiconductor start-ups."

David Richardson, chief entrepreneurial executive at Heriot-Watt University said: "The partnership with SiliconCatalyst UK emphasises our commitment to the development of a global ecosystem by building on our specialisms and applying these to catalyse new collaborations, investment and jobs."

Heriot-Watt has a strong history of research in quantum optics, semiconductor physics, material science, nonlinear photonics and the industrial application of photonics.

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