Intel brings Ignite startup scheme to Europe: Page 2 of 3

February 15, 2021//尼克·弗莱厄蒂(Nick Flaherty)
Intel brings Ignite startup scheme to Europe

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慕尼黑英特尔Ignite董事总经理斯蒂芬·海勒(Stephan Heller)说:“慕尼黑是如此令人兴奋,尤其是对于DeepTech而言。”“您的大学拥有出色的工程课程和毕业生,他们成为独角兽创始人以及公司总部,因此对于企业技术,DeepTech和B2B领域的初创公司来说,慕尼黑比许多城市都要好例如,更大的电子商务。”


But the programme is not limited to startups in Munich or even to Germany.

“We are looking very wide for teams as we want to see the best startups there,” said Weisfeld. “Our hybrid model has been accelerated as a result of Covid-19 so we are not in the physical world, we are open to any European or UK startup, including quantum. I’m sure there’s a few in Germany and Europe that we would love to talk to, these are really interesting for us.”

Applications are open now until March 16th and the selection day for the first European cohort is on 30th March. The scheme aims to have two cohorts a year, and is also looking to set up the scheme in Austin, Texas.



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