
September 08, 2021//尼克·弗莱厄蒂(Nick Flaherty)
英特尔首席执行官Pat Gelsinger正在推动汽车制造商将来转向更具侵略性的芯片工艺技术

Intel chief executive Pat Gelsinger is pushing car makers to more advanced process nodes with the promise of more chip making capacity in Europe.

In a keynote speech to the IAA Munich car show this week, he sees semiconductors accounting for over 20 percent of the total bill of materials of a premium vehicle by 2030, up 500 percent on 2019 driven by the need for more data processing from cameras and Lidar sensors. Gelsinger predicted the total addressable market for automotive semiconductors will nearly double by the end of the decade to $115 billion, accounting for more than 11 percent of the entire silicon market and he wants Intel to be a significant provider of that silicon in Europe.

However car makers have been badly hit by cancelling chip orders last year at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, and finding that re-ordiering has taken at least a year.



汽车业务是英特尔在欧洲野心的关键动力,英特尔一直在讨论巴伐利亚这项服务的工厂。3月份宣布的英特尔铸造服务公司(Intel Foundry Services)正在积极与欧洲的潜在客户进行讨论,包括汽车公司及其供应商。

该公司宣布计划在爱尔兰的Fab建立铸造厂的能力,并启动Intel Foundry Services Accelerator,以帮助汽车芯片设计师过渡到高级节点。为此,该公司正在成立一个新的设计团队,并提供定制和行业标准的知识产权(IP)以支持汽车客户。


但是,爱尔兰的Leixlip Fab仅在英特尔的14nm工艺节点上。这相比之下,台湾使用TSMC的汽车零件的NXP从28nm跳到5nm,尽管TSMC也在德国德累斯顿寻找12nm Fab,也可以为汽车市场服务。


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