首次WiFi 6E认证的Keysight团队

2021年12月7日//尼克·弗莱厄蒂(Nick Flaherty)
首次WiFi 6E认证的Keysight团队
Keysight正在与CTC Advanced合作,为欧洲的WiFi 6E设备的首次认证

Keysight Technologies is working with CTC advanced, a testing and certification laboratory in Saarbrücken, Germany, to certify its first Wi-Fi 6E device in Europe.

宽带家庭门户已针对欧洲电信标准学院(ETSI)标准EN 303 687进行了测试,该版本是为了调节新的WiFi频率从5.9到6.45 GHz的使用。这是获得市场访问的强制性程序。

作为认证实验室,CTC从夏季开始就面临对Wi-Fi 6E测试的需求,但直到现在,市场上没有测试解决方案。Keysight修改了其IoT调节合规性测试解决方案(上面的IoT0047A),以简化使用专用测试自动化软件的遵守前测试和测试后分析。




当“监管认证是一个关键的方面n it comes to optimizing time-to-market of a wireless device. Keysight works closely with regulatory bodies like ETSI and FCC to enable all players of the ecosystem to test their design as early as possible against the new standards. We are proud of this successful collaboration with early adopters, which makes new technologies like Wi-Fi 6E a reality for the mass market,” said Boon Juan Tan, vice president and general manager, General Electronics Measurement

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