Microsoft finds security vulnerabilities in IoT, OT devices

April 30, 2021//By Rich Pell
Microsoft finds security vulnerabilities in IoT, OT devices

Discovered by the company's security research group for物联网的Azure Defender(known as "Section 52"), the remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities cover more than 25 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and potentially affect a wide range of domains, from consumer and medical IoT to Industrial IoT, Operational Technology, and industrial control systems. The vulnerabilities exist in standard memory allocation functions spanning widely used real-time operating systems (RTOSs), embedded software development kits (SDKs), and C standard library (libc) implementations.

The findings, says the company, have been shared with vendors through responsible disclosure led by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), enabling these vendors to investigate and patch the vulnerabilities.


“ Badalloc”是公司第52节分配给在嵌入式物联网和OT操作系统和软件中发现的漏洞家族的名称,以描述此类内存溢出漏洞。所有这些漏洞源于脆弱的内存功能,例如malloc,calloc,realloc,memalign,valloc,pvalloc等。

The company says its research shows that memory allocation implementations written throughout the years as part of IoT devices and embedded software have not incorporated proper input validations. Without these input validations, an attacker could exploit the memory allocation function to perform a heap overflow, resulting in execution of malicious code on a target device.


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