The Netherlands invests 615 million euros in quantum technology

April 19, 2021//By Jean-Pierre Joosting
The Netherlands invests 615 million euros in quantum technology
Quantum Delta NL aims to use this investment to scale up to 100 start-ups, 2,000 PhDs and engineers and three large corporate R&D labs by 2027.

Currently a front runner in quantum technology within Europe, The Netherlands continues to play a leading role in building a world-class European quantum ecosystem by investing €615 million in Quantum Delta NL, a public-private partnership of global tech companies, government agencies and all major quantum research centers in the Netherlands.

荷兰政府的策略在量子抛光工艺ogies is to leverage this investment plan of €615 million over seven years for a total public and private investment of an estimated €3.6 billion over the duration of the Quantum Delta NL-program.

Due to its strategic and economic importance, quantum technology is central to the European ambition for digital sovereignty. Quantum computers, networks and sensors are the future foundation for High Performance Computing (HPC), Cloud, Hyperscalers and the Dutch Digital Infrastructure. The exponential growth of computing power is expected to have a major impact on the development of medicines and materials, the prediction of complex models and inherently secure data exchange. Quantum sensing enables high resolution biomedical sensing, earth monitoring, navigation without satellites, robust and fast telecommunication networks and many more applications.

The development of silicon qubits and a quantum processor, the use of entanglement for the development of a quantum Internet and the launch of Quantum Inspire, the first European quantum computer in the cloud, have all been realized by or with the help of Dutch researchers. In addition, the Netherlands has the most quantum startups per capita and is a global top 3 player when it comes to scientific output. This gives the Netherlands a unique opportunity to translate its lead into sustainable earning power for the whole of Europe.

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