Nexans in sell-off to focus on electrification

February 18, 2021//By Nick Flaherty
Nexans in sell-off to focus on electrification
French cable giant Nexans is restructuring to focus entirely on power, from generation through distribution to smart systems.

Nexans was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, with sales in 2020 of €5.713bn, down 8.6 percent. The company is planning to sell off around a third of its business to become a pure-play electrical cable and systems supplier with revenue of €7bn by 2024.

“Despite the unprecedented global health and economic crisis, 2020 was a tipping point for Nexans, as we demonstrated our ability to accelerate the company’s transformation,” said Christopher Guérin, CEO of Nexans. “Our efforts, in the second semester, were focused on our long-term ambition, defining our new purpose to 'Electrify the future'. It’s full steam ahead with our new strategic chapter up to 2024, and 2021 will be a year of acceleration of our new strategic moves on Electrification.”

The strategy is to move from a generalist cable manufacturer to the first pure electrification player, he says.

For the last 120 years, Nexans has played a major role in the world’s electrification. This market represents 65 percent of the world cable market and is expected to grow by 4.3 percent a year over the next 10 years driven by key growth trends: growing energy consumption, demand for sustainable energies, grid modernization and protection.

Guérin is convinced that remaining a generalist will be more a weakness than a strength, and says intends to become a pure electrification player. This means moving from supporting 8 macro sectors, representing 34 subsectors, to 4 sectors, representing 12 subsectors.

“Nexans will become a unique fully integrated player covering the entire electrification value chain: from the very start of production of energy, to transmission and distribution of energy, all the way to usage of energy,” said the company.

One key area in generation is the Offshore Windfarms and Interconnection markets, with a €200m additional investment. In the energy Distribution market, Nexans will reinforce its turnkey solutions combining cables and accessories with installation, architecture design, smart systems and asset management. In the Usage market, the Group will

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