NVIDIA Jetson powered all-in-one smart camera

July 22, 2020//By Ally Winning
ADLINK Technology has introduced the NEON-2000-JT2 – an AI-enabled smart camera range that makes machine vision solutions for factory automation simpler.
ADLINK Technology has introduced the NEON-2000-JT2 – an AI-enabled smart camera range that makes machine vision solutions for factory automation simpler.

The new smart camera is powered by NVIDIA Jetson TX2 AI modules to provide an all-in-one design, a small footprint and a pre-installed vision software set. The combination of hardware and software is designed to reduce the complexity of AI machine vision development and integration.

The NEON-2000-JT2 was developed to increase the production efficiency in labour-intensive manufacturing industries that require quality insurance and inspection to be critical to production.

“With our new all-in-one AI smart camera series we’ve done some of the AI machine vision development and integration already so customers can focus on production efficiency,” said Kevin Hsu, Senior Product Manager of ADLINK’s Smart Factory Business and Product Center. “Our current PoC customers are really enjoying the pre-installed integrations with other camera manufacturers, such as Basler, and combined GPU module integration which is helping to save development time.”

The NEON-2000-JT2 has been developed to be easy to use. The AI-enabled smart camera provides sensor and GPU module integration, FPGA based DI/O design, a pre-installed deep learning software set and ready to use sample code for quick vision application development. The smart camera has been safety certified by both the CE (European Commission) and FCC (United States Federal Communications Commission). It is also ruggedised and has been validated for shock, vibration and temperature stability for high reliability operation in industrial settings.

Nvidia designed the NEON-2000-JT2 series to be used in various AI machine vision applications including product classification and defect inspection. ADLINK is now taking Proof of Concept (PoC) requests.

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