Pin compatible LTE Cat 1 modules simplify IoT designs

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The u-blox LARA-R6 and LENA-R8 modules are pin-compatible modules with global IoT cellular coverage with seamless roaming in small form factors.Read More


刘u-blox在瑞士nched two pin-compatible modules for global connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT) using 4G LTE networks with and without GNSS global positioning. The modules are aimed at IoT operators concerned about the switching off of 2G and 3G networks who need to simplify their supply chain.

u-blox claims the LARA-R6 is the smallest LTE Cat-1 module on the market, measuring 24 x 26 x 2.6mm thick with a 40 pin LGA outline. This has a low cost variant purely for operation in North America, as well as a global variant that covers all 18 LTE frequency bands with fallback to 3G and 2G. It also has dual channel transmit and receive to support the requirements of network operators and voice over LTE (VoLTE).

The security-focused module provides a root of trust, secure boot, and secure communication with regular security updates making it suitable as a cellular modem for telematics, tracking, and health applications, as well as for alarm panels, smart meters, and point-of-sale devices.

u-blox has a deal with Qualcomm for LTE modem chips.

Lena-R8略大于27 x 30mm,但包括基于U-Blox M10平台的全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)接收器的选项。该模块具有与Lara-R6相同的引脚,而是一个通道接收器,用于在EMEA,APAC和南美洲地区部署的单一通道接收器,以较低的成本,Altough U-Blox不会在模块和变体之间的价格差异上。Lena-R8支持广泛的频带,仅具有2G后备的频段,并且GNSS变体支持在相同的占用空间中同时接收多达四个GNSS星座,从而降低了集成工作和上市时间。

Together, the modules provide five certified global, multi-regional, and regional product variants. They include MQTT Anywhere and MQTT Flex connectivity via u-blox’s Thingstream platform out of the box, thereby enabling low-power, low-cost connectivity with globally ubiquitous, seamless roaming. All variants of the LARA-R6 and LENA-R8 family support CellLocate, u-blox’s cellular network-based location service, for coarse positioning data even in the absence of GNSS signals.

“LARA-R6 and LENA-R8 are important additions to our LTE Cat 1 portfolio, meeting growing demand for small IoT solutions targeting global markets, with seamless roaming and low data costs. Both modules offer global roaming with a single SKU, which greatly simplifies logistics and supply chain management. The small size of both modules gives product developers greater design flexibility and the possibility to create smaller form factors,” said Drazen Drinic, Product Management Cellular at u-blox.

Engineering samples will be available in February.

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