
2019年9月10日//尼克·弗莱厄蒂(Nick Flaherty)
QinetiQ in the UK has signed a £67m contract with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) to develop secure multi-constellation satellite receivers


QINETIQ将使用其先进的处理技术进行安全导航,以供个人和平台使用,包括自主土地,海上和空气系统(例如无人机)。它正在与Collins Aerospace和分包商Roke Manor Research,Raytheon Systems,Nottingham Scientific和Phixos合作,以设计和制造英国的卫星接收器,并没有美国ITAR技术限制。

“After years of QinetiQ R&D and collaboration with the EU, European Space Agency (ESA) and UK government, we have achieved this major step towards our goal of offering robust navigation products using Galileo," said Dr Nigel Davies, head of QinetiQ’s Secured Navigation Group. "It is a significant breakthrough for us to have built a fully operational receiver on a platform which proves our product architecture, functionality, and algorithms. Our next step will be working to refine the product family and preparing it to be brought to market, which includes developing additional features and reducing its size to that of a postage stamp, in a form factor similar to our existing, highly successful, Q20 receiver. We have full confidence in this product and are proud to be at the forefront of this exciting new phase in European navigation.”



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