Qualcomm continues to expand positions in automotive electronics

January 27, 2021//By Christoph Hammerschmidt
Qualcomm continues to expand positions in automotive electronics
Qualcomm is highlighting its commitment to automotive electronics with a series of product launches and success stories. The announcements focus on an expansion of its SoC Roadmap and a new generation of the Snapdragon Automotive Cockpit platform. They promise further performance gains in heterogeneous multi-core SoCs with hardware optimisations for the diverse compute requirements for driver assistance systems to semi-autonomous vehicles.

The centerpiece of Qualcomm’s Technology Showcase is the expansion of its Snapdragon Ride Platform portfolio. With new safety-grade system-on-chips (SoCs) designed for automotive safety integrity level D (ASIL-D) systems, this promises to provide the flexibility of using a single SoC for New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Level 1 advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) systems and Level 2 automation systems, as well as enhancing the performance of combined ADAS SoCs and artificial intelligence (AI) accelerators for up to a Level 4 automated system. The new SoCs join Snapdragon Ride Platform’s growing portfolio of comprehensive solutions designed for ADAS and autonomous driving compute systems.

第二个主要产品介绍广告样稿any’s 4th Generation Snapdragon Automotive Cockpit platform. Amidst the automotive electronics environment that is evolving towards a zonal electronic/electrical (E/E) compute architecture, the platform is engineered as a homogenous and multipurpose solution to address this transition to a zonal architecture, serving as a central hub for high-performance compute, computer vision, artificial intelligence (AI) and multi-sensor processing with a flexible software configuration to address the compute, performance and functional safety needs for that zone or domain. The scalable digital cockpit platforms support all three Snapdragon Automotive performance tiers, ranging from Performance, Premiere to Paramount, for the entry level, mid-tier and super computing platforms, respectively.

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