Raspberry Pi links sensors to IoT digital twin

March 01, 2021//By Nick Flaherty
Raspberry Pi links sensors to IoT digital twin
The RSL Smart camera from On Semiconductor is pre-integrated with a Raspberry Pi 3.0 board to link to the Bosch IoT device management cloud and a digital twin

在半导体集成event-triggered image sensor and Sensor Development Kit with the Bosch IoT Suite through a Raspberry Pi board for the Internet of Things (IoT). This suite is used to manage the remote devices, including over-the-air updates, as well as a digital twin representation of the sensors.

The RSL10 Smart Shot Camera and the RSL10 Sensor Development Kit are complete node-to-cloud solutions that connect to the Raspberry Pi 3.0 single board computer via Bluetooth Low Energy. This hosts a software container that links to the Bosch IoT cloud via WiFI and an IP connection, using Mosquito MQTT packets.

“We want to help developers with a step by step connection of the sensor nodes to Bosch cloud environment and manage them in a B2B environment, that’s really important,” said Bruno Damien, Marketing Director of IoT for EMEA at On Semiconductor.

Designed for event-triggered imaging, the RSL10 Smart Shot Camera combines low-power image capture alongside support for cloud-based AI analysis. Using the RSL10 Smart Shot Camera, developers can create imaging applications that automatically take a picture when triggered by events including time or environmental changes. This can include motion, humidity or temperature from the RSL10 Sensor Development Kit that has ten on-board environmental sensors.

The low power image sensor means taking 6 pictures a day would give the RSL10 a battery life of 855 days. Even with one picture an hour, the battery would still last 600 days.

Linking the RSL10 devkits to the Bosch IoT Suite gives developers access to key middleware components that are available on a choice of global public clouds. The software allows mass deployment and management of IoT applications in the field, including device configuration and provisioning and remote maintenance.

The Bosch IoT Suite also includes an digital twin modelling capability using the Eclipse Vorto tool that allows designers to create virtual representations of their devices using a cloud-based model to see what features and services they

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