A RISC-V fully European platform for space

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Officially launched in October, the Horizon 2020 European project De-RISC (Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computer) has gathered an international consortium to develop a hardware and software platform based around the RISC-V ISA for the space and aviation market.Read More
By eeNews Europe


结合领先的sp的多核芯片系统ace solutions provider Cobham Gaisler with fentISS’ space-qualified XtratuM hypervisor, De-RISC will create a market-ready platform to power future space and aeronautical applications with made-in-Europe technology.

Thanks to Barcelona Supercomputing Center’s proven multicore interference mitigation techniques, the platform will offer high-performance operation with dramatically reduced interference. Meanwhile, Thales, one of the strongest players in the space and aviation market worldwide, will test the platform on real aerospace applications.

与第一个基于RISC-V,欧洲platf完全orm for space, De-RISC will guarantee access to made-in-Europe technology for aerospace applications, thus contributing to the “Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness” programme in these strategic markets,’ explains Paco Gomez Molinero, chief executive officer of fentISS and coordinator of the De-RISC project.

The use of RISC-V will also help to future-proof the platform, thanks to an ever-increasing support for the open-source instruction set architecture (ISA), at a time when the proprietary PowerPC and SPARC architectures traditionally used in aviation and space systems are experiencing a loss of momentum. As a result, the space industry is not able to leverage software from the commercial domains, fuelling a need to shift to architectures present in higher volume commercial markets. The final platform will be portable to other architectures, and it will also provide superior fault tolerance.

De-RISC is a 30-month Innovation Action partially funded by the European Commission, which launched with a budget of € 3,444,625.


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