TNO Space and ESA to develop terabit optical links to satellites: Page 2 of 2

July 03, 2020//By Nick Flaherty
TNO Space in Delft has signed a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) to demonstrate optical communication technologies for terabit-per-second links to telecom satellites.
TNO Space in Delft has signed a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) to demonstrate optical communication technologies for terabit-per-second links to telecom satellites.

To achieve the terabit/s throughput, multiple wavelengths are then multiplexed into two very high power optical free space beams. An Adaptive Optics system pre-corrects the optical wavefront to compensate for the expected atmospheric turbulences and a telescope transmits the high power beams to the geostationary satellite.

A downlink implementing a similar architecture enables a bi-directional optical feeder link. The satellite provides communications services to end-users through hundreds of RF spot beams, where each spot beam serves a geographic area on Earth for 5G backhaul.

The project will implement the design of the end-to-end Optical Feeder Link for high-throughput satellites and build and test the technologies required for future Terabit Optical Ground Stations. A 10 km ground-to-ground link will demonstrate the technical feasibility of future terabit-per-second laser communication between ground and satellite terminals.

The project will also position Airbus DS NL as future Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for the Optical Ground Terminals and Optical Ground Stations.

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