TSMC看待12nm Dresden Fab

July 13, 2021//By Peter Clarke
TSMC看待12nm Dresden Fab

The additional fabs would be in Dresden, Germany and in Japan's Kumamoto district. In both locations TSMC has made agreements with local authorities and is in talks with local customers, said a report by Digitimes.

报告补充说,在德国,该工厂将提供16nm/12nm的加工,以满足NXP半导体,Infineon Technologies和Semiciconductor等公司的需求。这些更专注于汽车芯片生产,这一直是关键的短缺。

这与围绕前沿5nm或3nm Fab的讨论完全不同,尽管到了两到三年内建造和资格的任何FAB时,将需要在5NM Process Node上建造的汽车零件。

The discussions could also involve a European semiconductor industry consortium that the European Union has been keen to put together that could involve such companiesas NXP, Infineon, STMicroelectronics, Dialog Semiconductor, AMS and ASML

eeNews Europeapproached TSMC but a spokesperson said the company was unable to provide a comment because it was in its "official quiet period" ahead of announcing financial results.

The possibility of more overseas wafer fabs would represent a change of heart by the foundry giant that has always prefered to keep its manufacturing focused on a few campus sites in Taiwan. In the past it has made exceptions in the US and China and is now coming under increasing pressure to do so again.

Until recently TSMC said it had no plans to manufacture chips in Europe and the company appeared to have persuaded Japan that rather than provide front-end wafer fab it was prepared to engage on back-end packaging, particular as chiplet style assembly of components was becoming a key activity.

Next: Chip shortages

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