Broadband use in UK doubles to 85 ExaBytes

2020年12月31日//By Nick Flaherty
UK doubles broadband Internet use to 85 ExaBytes
英国OpenReach和Virgin Media的最新数据记录了2020年英国的宽带互联网使用情况,其中有85,000多个PBYTE。

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a doubling of broadband Internet use in the UK according to the latest figures from OpenReach and Virgin Media to over 85,000 Pbytes,(85 ExaBytes).


During 2020, the daily record for broadband use on the OpenReach network, used by BT, Plusnet, Sky, TalkTalk, Vodafone and Zen, was broken 15 times.

The average household used around around 9GB per day, says OpenReach, for a total of 55,000Pbytes in the year. This compares to 22,000Pbytes in 2019. Virgin saw 27PBytes on its cable network in the year to November, an average of 80Pbytes per day. With Christmas, that will see at least 2500Pbytes in December for a total of 30Pbytes

The boost for broadband came from an increase in home working and video conferencing due to the Coronavirus pandemic, more live sports being screened online by the likes of Amazon Prime Video, and large updates to Playstation and Xbox games consoles, including popular gaming titles such as Call of Duty.

“It’s been a year unlike any other and we believe that’s played a major part in this huge jump in data consumption. We know more businesses asked their employees to work from home throughout most of 2020, so connecting remotely has been and continues to be important for everyone,” said Colin Lees, Chief Technology and Information Officer at Openreach.

“During the first lockdown in March 2020 we very quickly saw about a 30 per cent increase in daytime broadband use compared to pre-Coronavirus times, mainly due to a huge increase in home-working and, particularly during the first lockdown, home-schooling,” he said.

Next: Broadband in lockdown

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