imec fund raises €150m for deep tech investments

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imec.xpand, the early-stage deep tech investment fund, has closed the first part of its second fund with €150m. Working closely with the imec R&D lab in Belgium, the independently managed fund invests in startups that can benefit significantly from imec’s knowledge, expertise, network and/or infrastructure. A key element is providing…Read More
By Nick Flaherty


imec.xpand, the early-stage deep tech investment fund, has closed the first part of its second fund with €150m.

Working closely with the imec R&D lab in Belgium, the independently managed fund invests in startups that can benefit significantly from imec’s knowledge, expertise, network and/or infrastructure. A key element is providing chip designers with access to chipmaking capacity without having to invest heavily with foundries in the early stages.

2018年筹集的第一笔IMEC.XPAND基金投资了16家公司,这些公司现已筹集了近3.5亿欧元的额外融资。其中包括美国光子量子计算启动psiquantum以及光谱,天体AI,Fabric8labs和Axelera AI。

“It shows that our unique partnership with imec, our outspoken international approach and our ability to raise large rounds of financing in the early stages of development are widely recognized as
雄心勃勃的半导体初创企业的成功驱动力。“这是朝着2.5亿欧元的目标迈出的第一步,它将巩固imec.xpand,成为深技术风险投资资本生态系统的主要参与者。我们感谢现有投资者和加入IMEC.XPAND II基金的新投资者的信任投票。”

“Our partnership with imec.xpand helps us to bring breakthrough imec innovations to the market through venturing”, says Luc Van den hove, CEO of imec. “To turn a revolutionary idea into a commercial success, entrepreneurs need access to advanced infrastructure, expertise, and growth capital. With imec.xpand, we bring these ingredients together to create a breeding ground for the unicorns of tomorrow. The successful first closing of imec.xpand II demonstrates the value of our unique approach.”


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