Ten tips to counter supply chain challenges in 2022

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To recognise World Supply Chain Day on 21 April, engineers at UKembedded design house ByteSnap engineers identified some tips to help keep design projects on track and minimise the effects of supply chain disruptions The risks and shortfalls in our global supply chains have become front and centre for most…
By Nick Flaherty


To recognise World Supply Chain Day on 21 April, engineers at UKembedded design house ByteSnap engineers identified some tips to help keep design projects on track and minimise the effects of supply chain disruptions

The risks and shortfalls in our global supply chains have become front and centre for most companies over the last two years, especially for the electronics industry.

Supply chains are increasingly recognised as a key component to business survival, success and growth, as ByteSnap found in a recent survey. This showed that the electronics industry was one of the worst hit by supply chain disruptions with 82% of the companies surveyed adversely affected by supply chain challenges.

1) Order quantities as soon as the project schematic is completed –despite the pandemic, 60% of ByteSnap’s survey respondents saw an increase in demand for their products or services, 9% experienced no change and 31% witnessed a decrease.

为了适应不断增长的产品需求and services, smart designers and manufacturers need to stay ahead with supply already in stock or en route, to match demand.

Materials requirements planning (MRP) is a system for calculating the materials and components needed to manufacture a product. It is made up of three steps – taking inventory of the materials and components on hand, identifying which additional ones are needed and then scheduling their production or purchase


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