USB-C chargers/adapters: Tech deep dive

October 12, 2021//By eeNews Europe
USB-C chargers/adapters:  Tech deep dive

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USB-C PD enables high-power-density designs at optimized cost for customers aiming to build robust devices characterized by ease-of-use, cost-effectiveness, and small form factors.

Start watching now and listen to Infineon's expert, Lay, presenting an overview of the key USB-C charger/adapter topologies for different power and efficiency levels.

No matter whether price/performance, ultrahigh power density or highest efficiency is your priority, he will guide you through Infineon's comprehensive semiconductor offering. Discover together with him how to make the right choice!

What's in for you:

;Key topologies for different power and efficiency levels

;Most important design considerations

;Right topology choice for your needs

;Infineon’s related product offering incl. reference designs


Lay LV

Senior Application Marketing Manager

Infineon Technologies

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